Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NITEP 2007 Seminar group

Hello Classmates!

What I hope to acclomplish in my 1st year Elementary NITEP is letting my guard down as we discussed last Friday. I feel I still have a guard around me that I have not let down fully.

I feel comfortable in the classroom and for the first year I hope to be able to open up and not be affraid to speak durring class disscussions!


jackie said...

Hi, Stephanie,
Great - you have successfully started a blog! It will be good to check back with your goal now and then to see how you're progressing with letting your guard down and speaking up in class. It gets easier with practice!

roland04 said...

I feel that because I mentioned my goal as being more open in discussions I have started speaking up in two of my classes! I will have to keep setting little goals for myself!

roland04 said...

Setting a small goal sure soes help boost your confidence. While in a class I think about my goal and try to speak up before my answer is taken by another eager classmate. I feel when I speak-up I am a role medel for other students who may feel the same way I do when I know the answer but don't say a word. I certainly look at students who speak up in class as eager to learn role models!